So somehow it’s 2018, and this is the first post in a while, my apologies I didn’t intend for it to be this long, but that’s life right?

But February is the new January (it’s enough of an achievement just surviving January without doing dry-jan/veganuary/spending every waking moment in the gym/being an all round nicer person) and so here’s to fresh challenges, and maybe some healthier habits.

First project, this blog, need to get it up and running again, post more frequently, bought a camera to create better quality content/posts (need to learn how to actually use it properly), potentially may film a few workout videos, let me know if thats something you’re wanting – slightly scared to actually do it.

Second, be healthier, not necessarily thinner, not necessarily hitting PB’s in the gym, but enjoying exercise as and when I want to, and having a more BALANCED diet. I’m talking trying to make healthier food choices, but not beating myself up over eating pizza and cookies when I do, win win.
Usually I’d be tracking every gram of food I ate and hating myself if I ate anything that I hadn’t planned to, but it’s been refreshing to not have that pressure and just eating what I’ve wanted.

Thirdly, travel more – not sure where I’m getting the money to fund this yet, maybe if I stopped buying so many things I 100% don’t need it might help, but there are so many places I have never been to and want to explore so I’m going to try to stop spending so much.

So yeah, feeling kind of reflective on life, very much appreciating the good things and trying to make the most of the not so great ones, but a bit of positivity goes a long way right?

Smile always,