I’m not generally one to mess around too much with my foundation, I read endless reviews before buying a new one and even then I am always hesitant, particularly when the one I happen to considering isn’t drugstore as it don’t really want to spend £29 on something I could discover is terrible after one use, but as I was came to the end of another tube of foundation I felt like I wanted a change.

I have used MAC Studio Sculpt for a few years now, and although I love it and nothing matches my skin like NC15 does, I felt like it wasn’t quite taking to my skin as well as it used to and wasn’t lasting the day, and i was having to use a lot of setting powder which always leaves you at risk of looking cloggy if you’re not careful. So I started considering others . . .

I had heard good things about the Urban Decay ‘All Nighter’ foundation, friends had recommended it and there had been a bit of hype around it on social media and my sister had also been using the UD Naked foundation and swore by it, so after a lot of deliberation I decided to make the purchase.

If you love a full coverage foundation, All Nighter is THE ONE. I know a lot of people don’t like to wear something so heavy for day to day wear and would only wear a foundation like this for a night out, and it probably would be better for my skin if I did that too, but I have unfortunately been stuck in the cycle for years and years now of having a breakout, covering it, severely challenging my pores, and then getting another breakout, which I actually 100% DON’T think this is the single reason for my skin not being amazing as it became a problem from the age about 10, but doesn’t help it in any way I’m sure.

But anyway, I do use full coverage foundation, but if I’m being honest I love it, and this is the most flawless product I have tried yet. It just doesn’t move, and I’ve tested it trust me. I’ve had days where I have gone to the gym (and even done some cardio on the end), and then gone straight to work without the time to even touch my face, even shifts where I have basically just moved boxes around (very hard work), I have sweated in it, I have laughed, I have cried, and I’ve looked in the mirror at the end of the day and it looks like it did when I left in the morning, not a disturbance in sight.


It doesn’t need any setting powder whatsoever, and is the only product I’ve ever found that claims to be matte and actually is, but still manages to give you a fresh look and you don’t look caked in it. It dries fairly quickly which is great for applying any contour powder products on top of, but allows you a little time to blend in any strobing creme if you wanted to, and I personally find it doesn’t feel as heavy as the studio sculpt does! The bottle is also A VIBE.

I got it in 1.0, which is perhaps very slightly on the dark side for my skin tone, but with a layer or two of gradual tan on it would be perfect and I can still get away with it as it is, I was cautious of purchasing the very lightest tone they do, 0.5, but I may also buy the foundation in that shade too so I can use them interchangeably depending on my tan level (you know how it is)!

Basically if you’re looking for a foundation that’s going to make your skin look flawless and last all day or all night or both, get this, it’s 100% worth the money and I am converted for life.